WWDC 2020 EVENT : Worldwide Developers Conference get most of the attention in the first part of June, but as per the Spread of Carona Virus COD-19 across the world WWDC 2020 event will be help in Next Year in 2021.

No Further updates as for the WWDC event 2020 held in June so you will be able to download the iOS 14 Beta Profile after the Date is issued for iOS Updates.
As the virus continues to spread around the world, we need to all do what we can to reduce the spread and flatten the curve of exposure to give healthcare systems the best chance of fighting back. And to do this, one of the best weapons we have is to avoid public gatherings.
We’ve given a lot of thought to how we best react to this ongoing situation, including if we should pivot to a virtual only conference much like Apple, Google, Facebook and Microsoft are planning.
AltConf has always been a great addition to the WWDC week, giving attendees the opportunity to come to San Jose or one of our satellites, meet other attendees, and experience the unique experience of WWDC without the need for a ticket. However it has never been our aim to compete directly with Apple on content, and so we are not going to provide a virtual conference so that attendees can focus on the great content coming out from Apple.
As Per Sources