As Google Has Updated their Polices For Google AdSense Mange Tax Info in many countries even in Pakistan, As Most of the Google AdSense users are confused how to fill the google Adsense Tax payer form in Pakistan before 31st May 2021.

Yes Google has also given a deadline of 31st May-2021 to submit the Tax Info inside or outside of US what has to be carefully filled by the User or the Agent.
Google AdSense : Important: Check if additional tax information is required from you. All YouTube creators and partners are required to submit tax information to ensure any applicable taxes on your payments are accurate.
What is Tin Number in Google AdSense Form.
As you must be wondering or even confused what is TIN Number so as per Google TIN is the Alternative Number of Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC). So you can use your CNIC number as Tin.

Note : Those who are US citizen they’ll have to pay 30% Tax For Eg: if you earn 1000$ The Finalise Earning will be 700$ so for those say thanks that you are not in US Country. I hope you all have learned Adsense manage Tax info in Pakistan