UPCOMING AIRPODS 2 WITH BLUETOOTH 5.0 RUMOURS LEAKED air pods – they’re coming in 2019 let’s talk about the onslaught of new airpods leaks regarding air pods coming early next year.
so there’s gonna be two stages of release one a slight refresh that we’re gonna see early 2019 and

it’s pretty dang great so there’s a huge opportunity here for the airpods to grow in October air pods were Best Buy’s number one seller product followed shortly by the 3.5 millimeter headphone adapter so you can see this thing is incredibly popular and Ming Chico says that Apple can go from selling 16 million units to100 million by 2021
he also said that only 5% are actually less than 5% of iPhone owners right now have ear pods and that might be because of the prices might be just because they don’t know about them I don’t really see too many people with ear pods around at the gym and stuff but it’s a market that’s untapped that Apple is certainly going to be expanding on and what better way to do it with it than air pods
iPhones people are getting more excited over ear pods than an actual iPhone great that tells you a lot about the current iPhone upgrade situation but also the air pods on their own are quite exciting ok so now that I’ve set the scene you can see the air pods
Released Date of AirPods 2
Apple will surely release Airpods to MingChico is saying that’s not the case that they’ll be coming in early 2019 and that’s kind of conflicting here because Ming Chico say’s it’s very possible that Apple might be releasing the wireless charging case by the end of 2018 and that’s to catch all of the holiday sales Airpods killer presents for Christmas so you can definitely see you to know Apple would want to take advantage of that and that gives them just a few weeks to release the wireless charging case maybe like three weeks or so

MingChico gives us that Airpods arriving in 2019 early next year we’ll have an upgraded Bluetooth spec so currently air pods have Bluetooth 4.2 there’s nothing wrong with that its a great spec it’s just not the latest Bluetooth 4.2 has a one megabit streaming bit rate it does have a 200 foot range in optimal conditions you know not in a building a per saw but airpods 2 will have an upgraded Bluetooth module likely 5.0
as that’s what’s available right now and most new iPhone can take advantage of that’s o Bluetooth 5.0 offers several upgrades and coming to the airports – it’s