What’s New in tvOS 12 beta 8
tvOS 12 includes includes new features, bug fixes, and security improvements in the OS and SDK, including:
• Aerials enhancements
• Dolby Atmos support
• Enhanced AV player integration and data binding support in TVMLKit • Focus support for non-UIViews
• MDM Software Update command support
• Native TVML-style controls for UIKit
• Sandbox iTunes account support in Settings
• Secure password sharing from iOS devices
• Siri support for Find my iPhone
For more information, see “What’s New in tvOS 12″ on developer.apple.com
The tvOS 12 SDK provides support for developing tvOS apps for tvOS 12. The SDK comes bundled with Xcode 10 available from the Apple Developer Program download page.
For information on the compatibility requirements for Xcode 10, see the Release Notes on the Xcode download page.
Bug Reporting
For issues not mentioned in Notes and Known Issues, file bugs through the Apple Developer website https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/
When filing a bug, please include the full version number in the bug title and in the description. This looks like “12 (16 xxxxx).” You can find the full version number in Settings > General > About > tvOS.
How To Download tvOS 12 Beta 8
you can download the tvOS Beta 8 by going on the other download section of this page by clicking here and downloading the profile for your Apple TV.